Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Jelita Dedicated To Dhuafa
Dear Sahabat Jelita,

Sebagai rasa syukur kami atas rahmatNYA yang telah memberikan kami kelancaran usaha selama ini. Per 1 April 2008, setiap lembar jilbab Jelita yang sahabat beli, akan kami dedikasikan kepada kaum dhuafa sebesar Rp. 5.000 (lima ribu rupiah)

Insya ALLAH, laporan mengenai penyaluran dana akan kami sampaikan per - email kepada masing-masing sahabat Jelita.

Yuk mari kita menebar rahmat!

Salam hangat,



Dear Jelita's Best Friend,

Alhamdulillah, with the Bless of ALLAH, we can run our business well. As our praise to ALLAH SWT, per April 1st 2008, oor every pieces hijab (jilbab) you bought from us, will be dedicated Rp. 5.000 (five thousand rupiah) to dhuafa (to the poor person) .

Insya ALLAH, the donation report will be reported to every Jelita's buyer by email.

Let's share our happiness to others,

Warm Regards,




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